“Unlock exam success with our ‘[AHSEC] Class 12 On the Face of It Question Answer Notes’ Class XII featuring clear, concise answers to all textual and key additional questions. Perfectly tailored for students seeking easy-to-understand solutions!”
Class 12 On the Face of It Question Answer Notes
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(Textual Questions Answer)
Read and Find Out (Each bearing 2 Marks)
1. Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?
Ans: Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives alone in a big house with a garden.
Derry climbs up the wall and gets into the garden of Mr. Lamb.
2. Do you think all this will change Denny’s attitude towards Mr. Lamb?
Ans: Mr. Lamb left a deep impression on Derry’s mind. Derry had suffered from an inferiority complex because of his burnt face. But Mr. Lamb motivates him to see life positively.
Mr. Lamb’s impact on Derry changed his attitude for which Derry came back to Lamb in spite of his mother’s prevention.
Reading with Insight (Each bearing 7 Marks)
1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself?
Ans: Derry had a burnt face for which he was suffering from an inferiority complex. This made him lonely and withdrawn. He avoided the company of people. He could not bear the pitiable remarks made by people on him. He hated them. One day he got into the garden of Mr. Lamb in search of loneliness. There he met Mr. lamb, the owner of the garden. It was a meeting of two minds with totally opposite views. Derry was withdrawn and Mr. Lamb was social. He was ready to welcome anyone who came to him. Mr. Lamb had a tin leg because he lost one of his legs in the war. Children teased him by calling him ‘Lamely Lamb’.
Derry took time to open his mouth. Mr. Lamb accepted life as it came. He was always cheerful and tried to comfort others. There in the garden, they had exchanged views towards life. Eventually, Mr. Lamb could fall a deep impression on Derry’s mind. He showed Derry the ways of the world and motivated him to look at things positively. He suggested to Derry that he should stop caring what others said about his burnt face.
Mr. Lamb taught him the lesson of positive thinking and it drew Derry towards him.
2. In which section of the play does Mr. Lamb display signs of loneliness and disappointment? What are the ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to overcome those feelings?
Ans: In one scene of the play Mr. Lamb shows the signs of loneliness and disappointment and he has tried to overcome the signs of loneliness and disappointment in the following ways:
Mr. Lamb has a tin leg as he lost one in the war. But he never suffered from any disappointment. He tried to overcome it by means of his attitude towards life. He had built a positive outlook and he was motivated by it.
His positive outlook towards life was revealed through his words and activities. He told Derry that he was lame and the children called him by ‘Lamely Lamb’. But he never got irritated by their calling so. He liked the company of people and was always cheerful doing his own duty. He talked to all who visited his garden.
He plucked the grabbed apples. He climbed up the trees with his tin legs to make jelly from them. He accepted life as it came to him. He never felt sad. He always kept busy in the garden and thus he overcomes loneliness and disappointment in life.
He taught Derry the lesson of positive thinking and an optimistic outlook towards life. He advised Derry not to care about what people would talk of him.
3. ‘The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person expects from others?
Ans: It is true that the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often less than the kind of alienation felt by the person with disabilities.
People with physical impairment often suffer from an inferiority complex. Some people think of physically disabled people to be unlucky. They hardly show any love towards the disabled. What they exhibit is sympathy mixed with antipathy. Therefore a disabled person becomes withdrawn and lonely. But the feeling of loneliness and inferiority complex is more fatal than physical impairment. In the play ‘On the Face of It’ we see that Derry is the victim of loneliness and the sense of inferiority complex because of his burnt face. He has no friends as he remains aloof from society. He thinks that with a burnt face, he is not fit to be a part of society. He feels that no one will love and kiss him except his mother. This sense stands fatal to him.
On the other hand, Mr. Lamb who has a tin leg is free from such feelings for which he is cheerful and active. He loves life and keeps a positive outlook on life. He falls a deep impression on the mind of Derry for which Derry’s outlook towards life seems to be changing.
Thus we see that the above statement is true.
4. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr. Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future?
Ans: Everything we feel or the way we behave is the expression of our outlook towards life. Derry had a negative attitude towards life before he met Mr. Lamb. He kept himself shut up in his own self. His burnt face made him lonely and depressed. He avoided the company of people. When people threw uncharitable remarks on him, he became offended and thus he developed a hatred for people.
But Derry, after meeting Mr. Lamb, appreciated that he should not give ear to the comments of others. He had a burnt face, but besides, he had everything to rise in life like others. Mr. Lmab is also a physically disabled man. He lost one of his legs in the war. But his attitude towards life is positive for which he always feels happy and comfortable. He derives pleasure from meeting people and doing his duty with joy. He likes flowers, fruits and weeds equally.
Mr. Lamb had fallen a deep impression on Derry’s mind which turned him to look at things with a positive attitude. In brief, to say, Mr. Lamb changes the life course of Derry.
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(Additional Questions Answer)
Short Answer type Questions. (Each bearing 2 Marks)
Q.1. Why did Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end?
Ans: Derry gets back to Mr. Lamb in the end because he feels that he wants to sit, look and listen to the bees singing and Mr. Lamb talking. Moreover, he felt that if he did not go back to Mr. Lamb then he would never go anywhere in the world again.
Q.2. How does Mr. Lamb find everything interesting?
Ans: Mr. Lmab was an old man with a positive outlook. In spite of being a lame person, he was never sad. He made his life interesting by his positive outlooks and activities. He plucked the apples. He climbed up the trees with his tin leg to make jelly from them. He accepted life as it came to him.
Q.3. Why aren’t there any curtains at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house?
Ans: There was not any curtain at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house because he was not fond of curtains. He felt that by putting curtains at the windows, he would shut things out and shut things in that he did not want. Moreover, he liked the light and the sound of the wind.
Q.4. Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb’s garden?
Ans: Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden by walking slowly and cautiously through the long grass and round a screen of bushes and finally by climbing over the garden wall.
4. How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry? H. S. ’20
Ans: Mr. Lamb was a man of a positive outlook. He tried to give courage and confidence to Derry by saying that a man should take his life positively. He said more that we should not give an ear to the comments of others. A man should derive pleasure from meeting people and doing his duty with joy. Thus Mr. Lamb had fallen a deep impression on Derry’s mind which turned him to look at things with a positive attitude.
Long Answer type Questions. (Each bearing 7 Marks)
Q.1. What impression do you form of Mr. Lamb? How does he look at life?
Ans: Mr. Lamb is the main character of the play ‘On the Face of It’. He has a tin leg as one was blown off in the war. But he never suffered from any disappointment. He tried to overcome it by means of his attitude towards life. He had built a positive outlook towards life and he was motivated by it.
His positive outlook towards life was revealed through both his words and activities. He told Derry that he was lame and the children called him ‘Lamely Lamb’. But he never got irritated by their calling. He liked the company of people and was always cheerful doing his own duty. He talked to all who visited his garden.
He plucked the apples. He climbed up the trees with his tin leg to make jelly from them. He accepted life as it came to him. He never felt sad. He was sociable and liked talking to people. He always kept busy in the garden and thus he overcame loneliness and disappointment in life.
He taught Derry the lesson of positive thinking and an optimistic outlook towards life. He advised Derry not to care about what people would say of him.
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