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Class 12 Magh Bihu or Maghar Domahi Notes
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Short Answer Type Question ( Each bearing 2 Marks)
Q.1. What is the delicacy of ‘Sunga-pitha’ prepared? H.S. ’19
Ans: The delicacy of ‘Sunga-pitha’ is prepared with pithaguri adding some coconut jellies to it.
Q.2. Name the different forms of Bihu? Why is Magh Bihu known as ‘Maghar Domahi’ in Lower Assam?
Ans: There are different forms of Bihu as: Bohag Bihu, Kati Bihu and Magh Bihu. Magh Bihu is the post-harvest winter festival of Assam. It is also known as ‘Maghar Domahi’ in Lower Assam. ‘Dohami’ refers to the juncture of two months. In Lower Assam, the Dumahi (juncture of Puh and Magh) is celebrated with enthusiasm. So Magh Bihu is known as ‘Maghar Dohami’.
Q.3. What is the meaning of ‘Domahi’? What do people usually have for lunch on that day? H. S. ’19
Ans: ‘Domahi’ refers to the juncture of two months. In Lower Assam, the Dumahi (juncture of Puh and Magh) is celebrated with enthusiasm. On this day people usually have Jalpan with various kinds of pithas, laddos, chira, muri and so on.
Q.4. What do you mean by ‘Meji? How is it different from a ‘Bhelaghar’? H. S. ’19
Ans: ‘Meji’ is a temple-like structure built by the young boys in the fields on the occasion of Magh Bihu. It is made with bamboo, dried banana leaves and hay.
‘Meji’ is different from ‘Bhelaghar’ in this respect that Meji is temple-like and Bhelaghar is hut-like.
Long Answer Type Questions. (Each bearing 7 Marks)
Q.1. Describe the different kinds of sports and martial games associated with Magh Bihu. How did the young people in earlier times prepare themselves participating in the martial arts?
What are the different sports held on the occasion of Magh Bihu or Maghar Domahi? H. S.’20
Ans: Magh Bihu is the Bihu of much fun and enjoyment. During this Bihu, some sports like racing, wrestling, jumping, buffalo fighting, egg fighting, etc. are held with enthusiasm.
Along with these sports, some martial games like swordplay, javelin throwing etc. were also popular during the Magh Bihu in the earlier times.
The young people in the earlier times gathered weeks ahead of the festival and made camps on dry river beds to practise those martial games. They exercised themselves in the arts with much interest which in turn were proved necessary in warfare.
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Q.2. Kati Bihu, according to the author, cannot be called a festival as such. How is Kati Bihu celebrated in Assam?
Ans: Among the three Bihus of Assam, the Kati Bihu is something different from the rest. It is held in the Autumn season as a festival of little significance. In this season, the food stores of the peasant families become almost empty and so the peasant-folk seem to be less enthusiastic in celebrating the Kati Bihu.
The Kati Bihu is celebrated on the last day of the month of Kati. On the day, women and children put earthen lamps at the foot of the Tulsi plant and sing hymns. The Tulsi plant is considered to be the symbol of Vrinda, one of the devotees of Lord Krishna. By means of singing songs, the folk ask Tulsi Mother about the whereabouts of Lord Krishna.
There is another aspect of the Kati Bihu which is related to the peasants. They plant a small bamboo in the field and lights an earthen lamp at its foot and sing certain mantras to protect the paddy from the invading pests. Some farmers light the ‘Akash Banti’ hanging from a tall bamboo.
Q.3. The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu. Why?
Give an elaborate account of the celebration associated with Uruka, the important part of Magh Bihu.
Ans: Mag Bihu is a festival of much fun and enjoyment. The celebration of this Bihu begins on the last day of the month of Puh and continues to the seventh day of the month of Magh.
The Magh Bihu begins with the celebration of ‘Uruka’ which falls on the last day of the month of Puh. On this day, the womenfolk get ready for the next days with their preparations like pitha, lado, chira, curd, muri, and some other delicacies. Usually, Uruka is not a one-day affair, because preparation for those items of delicacies is done few a days ahead. They arrange fuel, catch fish from ponds and some people collect meat to be taken as food for the next days. During the Magh Bihu people prostate on the feet of the elders asking for bliss. Gamosas are presented to gurus and elderly persons. The relatives are invited to the houses and they are fed with the delicacies prepared on the day of Uruka.
So Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu.
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