Sentence Pattern Solutions HSLC 2025

If you are looking for Sentence Pattern Solutions HSLC, then you are in the right place. In this post, I will share with you the Sentence Pattern Solutions HSLC Question Answers.

Sentence Pattern Solutions HSLC

(Correct Errors) Sentence Pattern

Q. Correct the errors in the following sentences: H.S.L.C. 2016

(a) The sceneries of Arunachal Pradesh is charming..

Ans: The scenery of Arunachal Pradesh is charming.

(b) I am feeling cold.

Ans: I feel cold.

(c) Bread and butter make a good breakfast.

Ans: Bread and butter makes a good breakfast.

(d) The news are true.

Ans: The news is true. H.S.L.C. 2017

Q. Correct the errors in the following sentences:

(a) Niru is my cousin sister.

Ans: Niru is my cousin.

(b) She prefers tea than coffee.

Ans: She prefers tea to coffee.

(c) I gave him a few rupees I had.

Ans: I gave him the few rupees I had.

(d) He is working hardly.

Ans:  He is working hard. H.S.L.C. 2018

Q.Correct the errors in the following sentences: )

(a) He took out his shoes.

Ans: He took off his shoes.

(b) I do not know who are you.

Ans: I do not know who you are.

(c) She said that she will arrive at 6 p.m.

Ans: She said that she would arrive at 6 p.m.

(d) She prefers milk than curd.

Ans: She prefers milk to curd. H.S.L.C. 2019

Q.Correct the errors in the following sentences:

(a) It can rain tonight.

Ans: It may rain tonight.

(b) The cattles are grazing in the field.

Ans: The cattle are grazing in the field.

(c) Each of the boys play cricket.

Ans: Each of the boys plays cricket.

(d) How much money you need?

Ans: How much money do you need?

(e) When you do your homework?

Ans: When do you do your homework?

(f) I do not know to do it.

Ans: I do not know how to do it. H.S.L.C. 2020

Q. Correct the errors in any three of the following sentences:

(a) Her son-in-laws are rich men.

Ans: Her sons-in-law are rich men.

(b) It is raining since morning.

Ans: It has been raining since morning.

(c) How you know him?

Ans: How do you know him?

(d) I and he are brothers.

Ans: He and I are brothers.

(e) He is senior than me in age.

Ans: He is senior to me in age.

(f) I don not know to do it.

Ans:I don not know how to do it. H.S.L.C. 2022

Q. Correct the errors in any three of the following sentences:

(a) Haren was appointed in the post.

Ans: Haren was appointed to the post.

(b) It is raining since last night.

Ans: It has been raining since last night.

(c) How much money you need?

Ans: How much money do you need?

(d) Five kilograms are not so easy to carry.

Ans: Five kilograms is not easy to carry.

(e) The old man died from Covid-19

Ans: The old man died of Covid-19. H.S.L.C. 2024

Q. Identify the correct sentence.

(a) This hotel offer fooding and lodging.

(b) This hotel offer food and lodging.

(c) This hotel offers food and lodging.

(d) This hotel offers food and lodge.

Ans: (d)

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