Letter Writing/Application Writing Solutions HSLC 2025

If you are looking for Letter Writing/Application Writing Solutions HSLC, then you are in the right place. In this post, I will share with you the Letter Writing/Application Writing Solutions HSLC Question Answers.

Letter Writing/Application Writing Solutions HSLC

Q.1.Write a letter to your friend telling him about your daily life.  HSLC ‘16


Rearhati, Golaghat 11th Feb, 2024

Dear Friend X,

I just received your letter. From it, I understand that you are eager to know about my daily routine. Let me share it with you briefly. As you know, I prefer simplicity in all aspects of life, so my daily routine is quite straightforward. I usually wake up early in the morning and take a 20-minute walk. After that, I wash my hands and face and offer my morning prayers to God. Then, I have breakfast and sit down to study. In the morning, I typically focus on Assamese and English. I study until 8 o’clock, after which I take a bath and have my meal. By 8:45, I pick up my books and walk to school. When school ends, I return home around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. After coming back, I have my meal and rest for about an hour. In the evening, I either play with my brother or watch television. At night, I study until 10 o’clock, after which I go to bed. This is how I spend my day. I would love to hear about your daily routine as well. Please write back soon! Your friend


To, Name: …………………..

Village: ……………….

P.O. ……………..

Dist: ……………..

Pin: …………….

Q.2. Write a letter to your father/guardian requesting him /her to send you some money tthat you need to buy a new set of uniform. HSLC ‘17


Growhills Hostel

Date: 17 the March 2024

Respectable Father, At the beginning of my letter, please accept my respects and kindly convey my love and affection to my younger sister, Radha. By the grace of God, I am doing well and hope that everything is fine with everyone at home. I am comfortably settled in the hostel here. All my classmates and hostelmates are very friendly and assist me with my studies. However, Father, I need to purchase a new set of uniforms as my old ones are worn out. Wearing them has caused me to feel a sense of inferiority. Therefore, I kindly request you to send me about one thousand rupees at the earliest so I can buy a new uniform. I hope you understand the urgency of my need. I will be waiting eagerly for your response. Yours Faithfully X.

To, Name: …………………..

Village: ……………….

P.O. ……………..

Dist: ……………..

Pin: …………….

Q.3. Write a letter to your your friend telling him what you intend to do after the HSLCExamination. HSLC ’18


Kukrajhar 28-03-2024

Dear Friend, X

I have received your letter and thank you for writing to me. From your letter, I understand that you are eager to know about my plans after the HSLC examination. Let me share them with you briefly. As you know, I enjoy reading books extensively. I have a strong desire to pursue English as my major subject in college. To prepare for this, I plan to read English novels, short stories, and literary criticism to deepen my understanding of literature. Our village library has a vast collection of books, and I intend to make the most of it by reading as much as possible. I believe this will be very helpful in building my future career. By the way, do you have the novel ”War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy? If you do, I would be grateful if you could send it to me by post. I promise to return it after reading. That’s all for now. Please share your plans for what you intend to do after the examination. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours faithfully. Y.

To, Name: …………………..

Village: ……………….

P.O. ……………..

Dist: ……………..

Pin: …………….

Q.4. Write a letter to your your friend telling him/ her to your place during the summer vacation HSLC ’18


Barahipur 28-03-2024

Dear Friend, X

I hope you are doing well! With summer vacation just around the corner, I want to invite you to spend some time at my place during the break. It would be great to catch up and enjoy the holidays together. There are so many fun things we can do – we can explore my neighborhood, visit the local parks, and even take a trip to some interesting places nearby. I’ve also planned to watch some movies, play games, and just relax, so it’ll be a fun and laid-back time. You could stay for a few days, and I’ll make sure to plan some activities that we both enjoy. It’s been a while since we last hung out, and I’m sure this will be the perfect opportunity to make some new memories. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll arrange everything. I’m really looking forward to your visit! Warm regards, Y

Q.5. Write a letter to  the Editor of a local daily expressing your concern over the incidents of crime against woman in Assam. HSLC ’19


To, The Editor The Assame

Tribune Ghy-3 20 th April, 2024

Sir, Through the esteemed column of your daily, I wish to express my deep concern about the rising incidents of crimes against women in India, particularly in Assam. It has become a regular occurrence to hear about women, girls, and even underage children being subjected to sexual abuse across Assam. Additionally, it is disheartening to learn that some women are forced into prostitution to make a living. Many young girls are sent to work in private households or industries, depriving them of education and childhood. Every year, numerous married women are driven to suicide due to their inability to meet dowry demands from their in-laws. To combat these atrocities, I believe it is crucial for the general public to become more aware and vigilant. Women, too, need to be encouraged to understand their rights and take a stand to protect them. Through this respected daily, I appeal to the government and the public to unite and launch a strong movement against these crimes, ensuring a safer and more just society for women. Yours faithfully Xy.

Q.6.Write a letter to the Editor of a local English  newspaper about frequent load shedding in the evening in your locality. HSLC ‘15


Seuj Nagar, Barpeta  Road 23rd February, 2024

To, The Editor The Assam Tribune Chandmari, Guwahati-3

Sub: Inconvenience caused by load-shedding.

Sir/Madam, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem of frequent load-shedding in the evenings in our area. For the past few weeks, power cuts have become a daily issue in the evening hours. This not only causes inconvenience to the residents but also affects students who are preparing for their exams. Small businesses and shopkeepers in the area also suffer losses as they cannot work without electricity. Moreover, the lack of power in the evening increases the risk of thefts and other crimes. We request the electricity department to look into this matter urgently and take steps to provide a stable power supply in the evenings. Thank you for providing us with this platform to voice our concerns. Yours truly Y

Q. 7.  Suppose you are the General Secretary of the Students’ Union of your school. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to grant a half holiday on the occasion of the Kati Bihu Festival. HSLC ’20



The Principal of …………… H. S. School.

Date: 03-07-2020

Sub: Request for Half Holiday to Celebrate Kati Bihu Festival

Respected Sir/Madam, With reference to the above-mentioned subject, I am pleased to inform you that a general meeting of the Students’ Union of our school was held yesterday evening. During the meeting, all the members unanimously decided to celebrate the Kati Bihu Festival tomorrow. In addition to the celebration, the students plan to organize an awareness camp to promote the importance of keeping our environment clean and healthy. Therefore, we kindly request you to grant a half holiday on 4th July 2020, to help us organize the festival successfully. We hope you will consider our request favorably and grant your approval. Thank you for your understanding and support. Yours faithfully, Y General Secretary, Students Union, Hilapakri H. S. School,

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