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SEBA Class 10 English Amanda Chapter 7 Solutions HSLC 2025

By Rabbi Masrur

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If you are looking for SEAB  Class 10 English Amanda Chapter 7 Solutions? then you are in the right place because in this post I will share with you the Class 10 English Amanda Chapter 7 Question Answers.

SEBA Class 10 English Amanda Chapter 7 Solutions HSLC

Class 10 English Amanda Chapter 7 Solutions HSLC

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Robin Klein

Selected Question Answers

Q.1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this? HSLC ’16, ’19

Ans: Amanda seems to be a young girl. We can tell this from her childish actions like biting her nails and shrugging her shoulders.

Q.2. Is Amanda a student? How do you know? HSLC ’17, 20

Ans: Yes, Amanda is a student. We know this because her guardian asks if she has finished her homework.

Q.3. How do we know that Amanda was a teenager? HSLC ’15

Ans: Amanda was a teenager. This is evident because she had acne, which usually appears in boys and girls around the age of 12 or 13.

Q.4. Who do you think speaking to her?

Ans: The poet of the poem is speaking to Amanda.

Q.5. What would Amanda do if she were a mermaid? HSLC ’15

Ans: If Amanda were a mermaid, she could live a peaceful and happy life in the sea.

Q.6. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

Ans: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She says this because she imagines herself wandering freely like an orphan on the street.

Q.7. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody?

Ans: The last stanza shows Amanda is moody but not sulking. She has her thoughts and ignores the advice of others.

Q.8. What does Amanda believe about silence and freedom?

Ans: Amanda thinks that silence is golden and freedom is sweet.

Q.9. Who wrote the poem ‘Amanda’?

Ans: The poem ‘Amanda’ was written by  Robin Klein.

Q.10. Where does Amanda roam? What does she do with her bare feet? HSLC ’18

Ans: Amanda roams freely in the street. She makes patterns in the dust with her bare feet.

Q.11. In the first stanza of the poem, ‘Amanda, what is Amanda told not to do? HSLC ’23

Ans: In the first stanza of the poem ‘Amanda’, she is asked not to bite her nails, not to bunch her shoulders,  to stop slouching, and sit up straight.

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below each question.

1. Who was Amanda?

  • (A) A college-going girl.
  • (B) A school-going girl.
  • (C) A housewife
  • (D) None of the Above
  • Ans:  (B)

2. What was Amanda to finish?

  • (A) Her homework
  • (B) Her painting
  • (C) Her bath
  • (D) Catching fishes
  • Ans: (A)

3. Name the literary devices used in the line “Stop that slouching and sit up straight”.

  • (A) Epistrophe
  • (B) Assonance
  • (C) Metaphor
  • (D) Alliteration
  • Ans:  (D)
4. How should Amanda sit?
  • (A) Broad Sit
  • (B) Side Sit
  • (C) Straight
  • (D) Ring Sit
  • Ans:  (C)
5. Amanda thinks that she’ll never let down her
  • (A) black hair
  • (B) bright hair
  • (C) yellow hair
  • (D) bronze hair
  • Ans:  (B)
6. How is silence described?
  • (A) Golden
  • (B) White
  • (C) Platinum
  • (D) Love
  • Ans:  (A)
7. She is instructed to
  • (A) eat meals
  • (B) take tea
  • (C) blow the fire out
  • (D) sit up straight
  • Ans:  (D)
8. What is the meaning of “slouching”?
  • (A) Bend
  • (B) Sit in a lazy way
  • (C) lie down
  • (D) bend backwards
  • Ans:  (B)
9. What does the speaker ask Amanda not to do to her nails?
  • (A) Clip it
  • (B) Bite it
  • (C) Hurt it
  • (D) None of the above
  • Ans: (B)
10. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
  • (A) Be in the green sea
  • (B) Lead a relaxing life
  • (C) All of the above
  • (D) None of the above
  • Ans: (C)
11. What does Amanda wish to do in the sea?
  • (A) Catch the fishes
  • (B) Hunt various animals
  • (C) Watch soft-moving waves
  • (D) None of the Above
  • Ans:  (C)
12. What does Amanda wish to do in the sea?
  • (A) catch the fishes
  • (B) hunt various animals
  • (C) watch soft-moving waves
  • (D) None of the Above
  • Ans:  (C)
13. Name the literary device used in the line “freedom is sweet”
  • (A) Epistrophe
  • (B) Epigram
  • (C) Metaphor(
  • D) Alliteration
  • Ans: (C)
14. In the poem ‘Amanda‘, the mother asks her daughter not to: HSLC ’24
  • (A) go out and play
  • (B) wear a red ribbon
  • (C) bite her nails
  • (D)  eat her food.
  • Ans: (C)
15. In her imaginary world, Amanda plays the role of: HSLC ’24
  • (A) a queen and a mermaid
  • (B) an orphan and a princess
  • (C) a mermaid and an orphan
  • (D)  a queen and an orphan.
  • Ans: (C)

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Rabbi Masrur

A Thinker, Writer & Speaker.


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