Class 11 The Voice of the Rain Chapter 9 Solutions 2025

The Voice of the Rain | Question Solutions

Class 11 English The Voice of the Rain Chapter 9 Solutions 2025

– Walt Whitman


Think It Out:

Q.1. There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this?

Ans: There are two voices in the poem as: the voice of the poet and the voice of the rain.

The first three lines indicate this as under:

‘And who ae thou?


I am the poet of the Earth.’

The voice of the first line belongs to the poet and of the third line belongs to the rain.

Q.2. What does the phrase ‘strange to tell’ mean?

Ans: The phrase ‘strange to tell’ means something which is very astonishing or hard to express in language. Here it refers to the reply of the rain to the question ‘who art thou’ asked by the poet to the soft falling shower.

Q.3. There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which word indicates this? Explain the similarity between the two.

Ans: The parallel between rain and music is drawn through the last two lines written within brackets.

Through these two lines, the poet has drawn a parallel between the rain and music because as music gives joy and purifies the heart, so the rain gives life and vitality to the dry earth.

Q.2. How is the cyclic movement of rain is brought out in the poem? Compare it with what you have learnt in Science?

Ans: The poet has given an account of the birth and activities of rain which is scientifically true. Science says that the birthplace of rain is the earth. The water of the earth vapours up in the heat of the sun and takes the shape of clouds in the sky. Then again it falls down in the form of rain. Again it vapours up in the same manner and falls down on earth as rain. This cyclic movement is running on all the time.

Q.5. Why are the last two lines put within brackets?

Ans: The poem mostly deals with the voice of rain. The last two lines don’t form the part of the voice of the rain. They are written as a comment on the theme. So the last two lines are put within brackets.

Q.6. List the pairs of opposites found in the poem.

Ans: The pairs of opposites found in the poem are :

land  sea

day  night

changed  same

in          out

with  without


  1. Short Answer Type Questions:

(Each Bearing 2 Marks)

Q.1. What does the rain tell the poet?

Ans: The rain tells the poet that she is the poem of the Earth.  It rises up from the earth being vapour in the heat of the sun and takes shape of cloud and then falls down as rain. It only changes its shape in different stages but in spirit, it always remains the same.

Q.2. What does the rain do on the Earth?

Ans: The rain laves the droughts, atomies and dust layers of the Earth. In addition to these, it moisturises the earth and makes the seeds grow and thus it keeps the life cycles of all living beings on the earth running on.

Q.3. ‘I am the poem of Earth.’ Explain

Ans: Once the poet Walt Whitman asked the soft falling shower – who she was. The rain replied that she was ‘the poem of  Earth’. It is because its activities are like a poem. As a poem generally arouses a sense of beauty, joy and wonder affecting our sense organs, so is the workings of the rain. It laves and purifies the dust of layers of the earth and makes the seeds grow and keeps the earth living.

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