Class 11 English A J Cronin Birth Chapter 15 Solutions
Class 11 English A J Cronin Birth Chapter 15 Solutions
– A. J. Cronin
Q.1. ‘I have done something, oh God! I’ve done something real at last.’ Why does Andrew say this? What does it mean?
Ans: Andrew was a new doctor. He began his medical practice as an assistant to Dr. Edward Page.
One night, while he was returning from his work, a man by the name of Joe Morgan met him and took the doctor to his house in order to get his wife to give birth to her child. In time Mrs. Moragn delivered a child with the help of the doctor. But the life of the child and its mother was at stake. The doctor became desperate. He tried hard to save the life of Mrs. Morgan. The child seemed stillborn. The nurse thought the child to be dead. The doctor pushed two injections to the mother of the child and later on, she came to sense. On the other hand, the child also gave a short convulsion, and then came the child’s cry. Eventually, the two lives – the life of the child and its mother were saved. Dr. Andrew’s effort proved fruitful and in contentment, he uttered, ‘Oh God! I’ve done something real at last.’
The utterance made by the doctor was spontaneous coming out from his heart. Because he was a new doctor and it was his first individual attempt at operating childbirth. He thought that the saving of such a moribund two lives was nothing but a miracle.
Q.2. There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician. Discuss.
Ans: It is quite true that there is a great difference between textbook medicine and practising medicine. It is because practical knowledge is far better than theoretical knowledge. In theoretical books of medicine, there is a description of diseases and medicines. But to be a good doctor the practical knowledge is more important because he has to deal with the situation. Every doctor has to decide things and situations on his own merit. The situation changes from patient to patient. Many times a doctor needs to act after his instinct and knowledge instead of using mere bookish knowledge. In the story ‘Birth’ we see that Dr. Andrew saved two lives from very critical conditions after applying his own practical knowledge.
So it is true that there lies a great difference between the textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician.